Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)& Welding inspection Services

NDE & WeldingInspections:
GULF TEST offers NDE and Welding inspection services as per ASME, AWS, BS ENStandards for Pressure vessels, Boilers, Storage Tanks, Steel Structure in new construction and during in-service for the oil & gas, food, chemical, manufacturing industries sectors.
GULF TEST is one of the very few companies in UAE, got accredited by Emirates International Accreditation Centre (EIAC) for NDE Services.
GULF TEST experienced and competent inspectors can oversee a Comprehensive inspection &Reporting and NDE techniques & tests to meet a specific need and may include:
Comprehensive Welding inspection services includes:
NDE and Welding inspection includes but not limited to ASME SECTION V, ASME SECTION IX, AWS D1.1,BS EN ISO 15614-1, BS EN ISO 15609-1, BS EN ISO 9606 1, ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3,ASME SECTION VIII DIV.1 Codes/ Standards.